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This website will not exist without the support of visitors like you. Now, don’t get scared. I’m not saying that because I want a few dollars out of you. In fact, my intentions are completely 180 degrees different from that. We’re not looking for cash contributions, far from it. Instead, we’re looking for visitors to suggest different software packages that they would like us to review.
If you are looking for an unbiased and straight-shooting type of review, you have come to the right place. We don’t pull our punches. You might think that the software that you have developed or the software that you use faithfully for several years is the best thing since sliced bread. Well, think again. We have a specific system of filtering through the fluff, getting under the hype and exaggeration, and getting straight to the truth. Sadly, the truth often hurts. Seriously.
Hype marketing, branding and all sorts of online promotional shenanigans tend to anesthetize people to the cold hard realities of the products that they have been so loyal to. Our hope is to open people’s eyes regarding the very best product they can ever lay their hands on. The big surprise? No such product exists across the board. That’s right. The best software product for you on an individual level depends on your personal context.
This is the value that we bring to the table. When we present software reviews and blow them up based on their benefits, claims and inner mechanics written in plain English, we give people the information they need to make contextual decisions. The bottom line is, whatever works for you may not necessarily work for somebody you know. You may work in the same office, you may go to the same places at night, you may live in the same neighborhood but ultimately, you are very different from each other.
By producing reviews that cater to these differences based on the idea of context, we go a much longer way in helping people get the very best product for their particular needs. Ideally speaking, you need to pick the right product to do the right job at the right time to produce the right results for the right person. That right person, of course, is you. Do you see how this works?
It’s all about context and we need your help to make this happen. We need you to suggest products to review. We also need you to suggest common problems that people run into that may need software solutions. Finally, we also need your help if you click through this website and discover that certain links lead to missing pages. Broken links are the cancer of any type of online publishing outfit. We are not immune to this problem.
So, if you notice that a page is not loading or it returns some sort of error or you simply do not get to where you expected to go, let us know. While we cannot guarantee that we will be able to fix the problem as soon as possible, you can rest assured that it will eventually be addressed and satisfactorily resolved. Do us a big favor. Spread a word about our website. I’m sure you know people who are looking for the straight dope and the real story about software reviews.
This website aims to do one thing which is to report the truth. The truth may hurt but the good news is, even though it upsets us, the truth ultimately sets us free.